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Friday, July 1, 2011

nancy grace

    Tele-vision journalist Nancy Grace is holding her infant twins, and it's hard to get to stop crying. And sit in a rocking chair in an apartment in Manhattan, she paved the way for Little John David in her right arm and left Lucy Elizabeth in her country. Fortunately, both babies seem oblivious to water plants; they're still sleeping properly. It's grace, who can not keep from sobbing.
    "Oh, I'm sorry for that," she says, sniffling. "I just I still can not believe they're here, you know? I can not believe they're mine and this is my life, and I just do not believe that this could happen to me."
    In fact, due to the reputation of professional grace, you will be surprised most of her fans by the family of this intimate scene. Born in Macon, Georgia - and talk with the rant that turned its name in the past, "Gryce" - Grace has always been more than a steel magnolia belle of the South. Former prosecutor in the state of a private home, Grace (48 years) and finally found a new career on the cable, and hosts the show on current affairs, which tackles the breaking news was legal. But what made her truly famous, the first time on television, and her on-air behavior, ranging from aggressive to the charge because it delves into the salient issues. A fixture of the media during the trial explicitly Michael Jackson, Natalie Holloway disappearance and death of Anna Nicole Smith, it made headlines willingness to condemn the alleged perpetrators have before they are found guilty. But it is hard to beat a double-edged style fans up to the critics. Intensity of her, she says, stems from a deep and personal relationship to the victims of crime. When Grace was 19, her world shattered when he was brutally killed her fiance, Keith Griffin, was killed by a colleague at work. Inspired by her experience to go to law school and the crusade for the rights of victims. But, she says now, it has also led her to stop emotionally.
    "After I lost my fiancé, it seemed like it would be better to be always alone than to risk being hurt again," she says. "So I felt as a wife and mother just did not happen for me I think that God had closed the door and gave me my career, but instead, and then someone came in my life, and I realized: .. and this is worth the risk."
    David Linch was that someone (49 years), a bank investment, Atlanta-based Grace, who first met in the 1970s when both attended Mercer College in Atlanta. Over the years, it has remained in contact with him, but he was only slightly more than last year, she became romantically involved, and then rush to a certain extent, and decided to marry. "I told my family only two days before the wedding," says Grace. Now red eyes from tears and fatigue, and said it was the hand of the twins to the teacher and sips from a cup of coffee. "I just can not dream about someone I like a lot  and someone who loves me a lot back."
    Shortly after their marriage, Grace and Linch discussed the start of the family. Grace refuses to determine what methods have led to pregnancy in their 40s in the late; Lucy and John David, she feels, should be the first to hear about how they imagine it. "Also, on behalf of women everywhere who have gone through fertility treatments, it is my firm belief that what happens between your legs is a business but your own, let me say this!  they are my children and look for me and my husband, and can only hope that you get the best qualities we have. "
    Was in when it would not talk about how she conceived, Grace does not open about how exhausting and life-threatening, and carrying her two children.
    "This was just a roller coaster ride, from the beginning," she says. "First, I had right after she discovered she was twins, and ultrasound, where they can not find the second heartbeat anymore." It shudders in memory. "Over more than a week, I had to go around thinking that there is only one of them, and I was sad, and then later another, suddenly, they found the heartbeat again. I ran just to his home and David e-mail, 'Twin us are back ". Was not true. "
    But the pregnancy is fraught with complications, high blood pressure very difficulties in breathing, and grace landed in the hospital five times. "I just was not ready for the pregnancy in your 40s knocks you on your butt, and it was one thing after another," she says. "At one point, in August, I thought I was going to work early ... while on holiday with my mother in some small island off the coast of Florida, and I was in the back of the ambulance in the rural areas, the three-hour trip to the nearest hospital, the driver named Elvis, and I remember lying there thinking: This does not happen I'm not about to give birth in the back of the truck Elvis ".

    Source URL: https://imgchace.blogspot.com/2011/07/nancy-grace.html
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