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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Grace Kelly

    It came out of Hollywood without a scandal, married well, and seem to make any looks back to that profession or so less ambitious family Norwegian upper class Irish Catholic American of Philadelphia. Devoted herself to her life in Monaco and Princess, a mother of three children, a veteran charities, and stable in the pages of Paris Match, and until her death in a violent car accident at the age of 52.

    Left the Princess Grace in Hollywood on the note is high, and get out before I get the chance to see her stumble, and avoid clichés report a bleak look at the stars of steel, such as Joan Crawford or Bette Davis, and family boring of the stars of the fifties such as Alison June or the tragic fate of the goddess of love, such as Marilyn Monroe. Kelly when he won an Oscar for playing a wife in her country in 1954 (a controversial choice as they were up against the Judy Garland of the birth star), and rose resulted in a rise in the past along with Alfred Hitchcock. Appeared in three of his films: Dial M for murder, the rear window, and to catch a thief in 1955.
    ispresumed Kelly Hitch favorite actress, and the biblical "cool blonde" of his obsession. Donald Spotto (the dark side of genius) reads the rotor as a key to personality Hitchcock both his obsession with Kelly, and actresses to be working on its behalf, such as Novak Kim in the rotor, and the recovery - romances for Hitchcock - he was replaced with lookalikes in an attempt to replace his beloved. 

    Hitchcock was a genius for detecting shadows in the famous image of Cary Grant, James Stewart, Grace Kelly. (Is the grant is a match of the planners ethical to catch a thief) to notice and often are revelations of sexual Grace Kelley from under the outer surface of a cold, and the right, glamorous, and forbidding even a little bit in each of the rear window, fishing and for a thief. Even now, as noted in many of Hollywood tell all the books (such as Oleg Cassini), it was noted Kelly as a woman's sexual too, after it was William Holden with Affairs, Oleg Cassini, Gary Cooper, Milland Ray, and others.

    Most of the Affairs of the secret life of Grace Kelly, Princess many years ago, and is governed by extensive in many cases, for one reason or another: As I recall from reading Grace_Kelly Grace James Spada's. Moreover, they played outside of Hollywood and stories from behind the scenes, and sexual reputation was known to some in Hollywood, but not to the general public. It hid in plain view of everyone and therefore able to meet the requirements of the Hollywood stars that are visible, beautiful, impeccable, long term. This, too, the demands of her life in Monaco.

    With a sign in Scorpio, and the dominant themes of her life, sex, death, secrets, and calm, outside, with ringtones - sexual, the personality and Scorpio. Have the ability to perform flawlessly as a public figure, subject to the ego to serve their obligations to others. Her sexuality and physical, but conservative. The tragic death in a car accident on all colors Esterel until the next time that I see in the community the high jump with Crosby and Sinatra, or at high noon, where it's betrothd Gary Cooper.
    Kelly may look like a blond goddess, but her character with a burning passion. Kelly is a moon in Pisces, a sign often associated with actors and other performance. Access to the deep human emotions, intuitive and essential natures make guilelessness Pisceans attractive to others. Can also be self-destructive nature of the whale, with invasions in the work of addiction and other mental suffering. Scorpio can be secretive and also clear the same hypocrisy, deception, art and even deceive; her Pisces Moon will be eased of this type, while the tendency to self-destruction enhanced by the ability of Scorpio to take care of itself. She can take decisions in the best interest shrewd her best - her decision to leave Hollywood while he was in the top example. 

    In the best of them, he would have opened the play, the type of side-whale and her face visible (the rise being in the outer side of the person) with the complex nature of a scorpion on the side of her personality revealed one got to know her. With many planets in Scorpio, for these properties were very prominent. With Mercury in Scorpio, for the ideas and opinions, and intensive contact with others, emotional, and passionate, though perhaps not shared easily. Was with Mars in Scorpio, as well as ambition and energy has been to lead the emotions, in other words, is not really a person of detachment is cold, which is probably the reason for this is that it was captivating to Hitchcock, but it continued with its plans to itself. It may surprise people with the decisions because they will not revealed the motives behind them, as I recall, people were shocked the decision to leave Hollywood to marry Prince Rainier.

    With two liters of the major signs of water - the cancer in her ninth and higher thought and the fish in her fifth of the creation and pleasure, and scorpion in her home the first of the self - ideas Grace Kelly, had feelings and life, creative and family life successfully led by feelings of deep, instinctual, and complex , and compassionate. With Saturn in Sagittarius, it would work and duties in life, primarily from the pleasures of light, socialization, and fun, although it may sometimes feel like a burden. Saturn indicates her hard work and discipline. Liu stressed midheaven in her self-confidence and a healthy ego, and she likes to be admired. 

    However, the key to her captivating presence that they were not only beautiful, but she moved, spoke, and smiled with vigor and energy is indicated by the situation in the balance of Venus in the twelfth house of fate and the forces of the unconscious is strong. This is the place of the biblical with the planet in a sign of feminine beauty, balance, and the magic, romance, marriage, and negotiation, and fancy, and adds a dimension of quality, of fortune and eternal beauty, as well as her marriage. They do not have all these qualities, is the virtual definition, including: name, Princess Grace, as it is described to the quality of the feminine name is real. He married a fairy tale to end the life of a fairy tale princess. Her years living with the Protocol and the commitments set forth in the castle, high on a rock in Monaco, I remember the classic tales of the fate of the female. The twelfth house rules also confinement in hospitals, monasteries and institutions, prisons, and any other place of confinement, it may be that her life the myth that some elements of the less happy for it, such as princesses who spin straw into gold in the castle of securing the room. Or perhaps they felt loved and safe and protected in this enclosure masculine. House twelfth place of the self, "change" and has been self-created problems surrounding the obligations of her femininity.

    "However, it is often speculated Rainier and Grace made marriage of convenience, that it needed to Crown Prince of the Emirate of him and it made a practical decision to marry because it was time to do so. Over the years, I have heard rumors of infidelity, loucheness, and superficial about them, they were living in the Kingdom is famous for gambling, after all. It is now cliché that marriage is a myth, but anything, but you must never forget that I am the sight of her husband cry without embarrassment, and a sad face after her death. Could be more important than any role in Hollywood - - fortune as a person to embody the beauty, and serve as a symbol of love and marriage, and this was her most important role as well as the most important role as a public figure. Worked as a symbol of marriage in the distorted, after marriage the global mind-World War II. Accepted the gift with the world of ceremony and elegance, style, and hopes to keep some of the feminine mystique transient, while I went to live in a pink castle by the sea".

    "I was born on this day in 1929, Grace Patricia Kelly, the famous American star and Princess of Monaco, north-east remains plus a very beautiful woman, and exuding an effort femininity, grace, charm, and self-confidence. With her royal mien, has become a princess in real life by marrying Prince Rainer of Monaco in 1956. Royal wedding stuff of fiction predicted Diana Spencer thirty years later". 


    Source URL: https://imgchace.blogspot.com/2011/07/grace-kelly.html
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